Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Apologies Needed
Posted by Kapp pack at 9:12 PM 6 woo woos
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Into the Closet Again
Have I mentioned summer sucks sometimes? I seem to spend my entire life in the closet these days (at least my human doesn't make me wear a stupid shirt). I missed out on the early morning hours of blogathon because I needed to hide in the closet....especially after I had a poo accident on the kitchen floor. Here's what we are dealing with right now!!!
I will see everyone after this whole mess is over...
Posted by Kapp pack at 8:16 PM 10 woo woos
Saturday, July 28, 2007
This Week's Garden Update
I'm back from my closet hiding place. Hopefully, there will be no storms tonight.
Mom was out watering the garden earlier and picked some things for us to check out.

Canyon was next...he said "yummy" too, neither of them dropped over in agony so I figured the zucchini was safe...
Here I am about to try it....it was yummy...
Sky loved it so much he wanted more...Mom likes giving him treats because he takes them like such a gentledog...
I hope everydoggy gets some nice special treats tonight. Especially, the blogathon doggies.....like Meeshka and Steve and Kat. They need to keep their enegy up to last through the night.
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Posted by Kapp pack at 8:24 PM 7 woo woos
Friday, July 27, 2007
Posted by Kapp pack at 11:19 PM 4 woo woos
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Tag from Sashaville
Hi Everydoggy,
Sasha tagged us to answer some questions about ourselves.
Where is your favorite place to sleep??
Kelsey Ann- in the closet
Sky- in my bed
Canyon- in the biped's bed on the woman's feet (wish they let me sleep in little biped's room)
Is there a specific trick your humans make you do to get treats??
Kapp pack- no, not really, just look cute. Bonus when little biped asks to give us treats for no reason.
If you could spend an entire day doing anything at all with anyone what would you do and with whom??
Kelsey Ann- spend the day sleeping with a side trip to McDonald's for french fries
Sky- one on one time with the human woman and a car ride to anywhere, hopefully followed by a walk.
Canyon- spend the day playing with my little biped with breaks for a nap
What is your favorite toy??
Kelsey- I don't DO toys.....
Sky- a yellow stuffie that looks like a banana
Canyon- the rope bone that's downstairs and all bones
If you could change one thing in your life. What would you change??
Kelsey- Canyon would NOT wait at the top of the steps to jump on me on my way up!
Sky- I could run free like the wind (Mom sidenote:that ain't happening buddy!)
Canyon- I would be completely trusted and not have to be sent to my crate everyday while the humans are away.
We tag Echo, Steve and Kat, and the Army of Four.
The Kapp Pack
Posted by Kapp pack at 10:53 PM 3 woo woos
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The Polls are Closed
Well, we had a close vote this week, but I am excited to announce the stuffies won the vote! They are my personal favorite as long as they are orange or yellow. It's so cool we had so many votes this week. Our new poll will be to find out what you favorite thing to do is. Remember you can vote for more than one thing, especially if you have more than one dog to vote for. Stay tuned for the results next Wednesday!
Posted by Kapp pack at 9:28 PM 4 woo woos
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Our Garden Update
As I told you yesterday, Mom took me out to help inspect the garden. Mom told me she's growing tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, watermelon, pumpkins, cucumbers and eggplant.

Canyon - 500 kisses from the little biped
Mom - 500 tomatoes from her garden
Dad - 500 new books (he read a lot on airplanes on his business trips)
Little Biped - 500 new toys (like she doesn't have too many already)
I also need to give a really big shout out to my MaPaw buddy, Echo. It's his birthday today. Happy Birthday, Merlin's Echo from the Kapp Pack!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
(remember to get your vote in for favorite toy. Poll closes tomorrow night!)
Posted by Kapp pack at 7:48 PM 12 woo woos
Monday, July 23, 2007
Lab that Doesn't Swim???
Ok, so the annoying one (Canyon) got to go outside with the bipeds yesterday. The little biped was going in her pool. They thought Canyon would like to try swimming, turns out this lab mix doesn't like the water. When I have more time another day I will compare his husky and lab traits. The little biped even tried to give him a pseudo bath (no soap involved). Glad it was not me....haroooo!
Here's the bath sequence......

OOOOO...a huge water bowl!
Good riddens, peace and quiet! They left me inside to sleep...or so they thought. Who could have slept with the screaming Sky was doing. Sheesh!!!! Now that was obnoxious. He was SSSSOOOOO upset he did not get to go outside. The really stupid part of his hissy fit was that he HATES to swim. I guess he forgot.
So after dinner, Mom took Sky out for some special time to himself in the yard...and guess what? Canyon wouldn't shut-up because Sky was outside and he wasn't. I can't win! Maybe I should give them away like Meeshka tried to give away the gimpy mutatoe for a blogathon prize.
To make it up to me Mom let me go out and check the garden for her.....I will tell you more about that tomorrow.
Posted by Kapp pack at 9:42 PM 6 woo woos
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Pack Restored
Well, Mom is so proud of herself. She keeps telling everyone, "I did not fail transport again." I, for one, am glad she didn't fail. Training a puppy is hard work and I like to relax and snooze a lot. We all said our goodbyes this morning.
Bye, Bye Rocky
Mom, Dad, and the toddling biped took Rocky to meet up with the rest of the MaPaw family. They were at a Meet and Greet at the Graeme Historical Site in Horsham, Pennsylvania. The park was having a Celtic Festival. Mom said there were lots of guys walking around in skirts called kilts. Humans are so strange.
These sure are strange
Rocky got to meet Ma and Pa and some of MaPaw's voluteers. There were a few of MaPaw's alumni doggies and more importantly there were foster doggies there showing off their best qualities. Mom told me she was so excited to see Maximus again. For those doggies that didn't know, we were Maximus's first foster home....we were the ones who helped him recover from his surgery. I promise that we didn't laugh at him when he had to wear one of those stupid lampshade thingys on his head!
The doggy sitting is Maximus and the one in front is Elvis, an alumni MaPaw doggy.
Posted by Kapp pack at 4:25 PM 12 woo woos
Friday, July 20, 2007
Puppy Video!
Here's some video of Rocky that Mom took last night. I've been too busy playing with the puppy and not much time for blogging. I'll have more to tell tomorrow when Mom and Dad tell me all about the MaPaw Meet and Greet tomorrow.
Posted by Kapp pack at 8:37 PM 4 woo woos
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Things have sure been interesting around here. I am taking his under my wing and teaching him just like a mother would do. Sky is being Mr. Cranky Pants, not sure if he's worried about his status as second in command or if he is mad Canyon is playing with Rocky and not him. Canyon is loving having somebody younger than him to pick on.
Mr. Cranky Pants
All the toddling biped want to do is give his hugs and kisses.On Saturday morning my mom, dad and little biped will be taking Rocky to a MaPaw Meet and Greet and from there he will go onto his foster home. And guess what? Rocky is going to the same foster home Rocky and Buck are, isn't that cool? This will only happen if mom keeps saying......I will not flunk transport....I will not flunk transport.
Now if he would just stay out of my food dish!!!!!
Kelsey Ann
Posted by Kapp pack at 8:29 PM 11 woo woos
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The results are in.....
Thank you to to all the doggies who took part in our poll this week. The most popular doggy movie was Snow Dogs with 52% of the votes. I think this is a great movie for us all to sit down and watch this week. We can visualize and be one with the snow.....who knows maybe it will make it seem cooler. Thank dogness for air conditioning! Check out this weeks brand new poll!

Posted by Kapp pack at 8:49 PM 10 woo woos
Monday, July 16, 2007
Quiltin' Time
Hi Everydoggy,
Posted by Kapp pack at 10:27 PM 9 woo woos
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Our Slogans
All of my doggy friends seem to be coming up with new catch phrases for themselves. My mom helped me find where I do it to. Here's what I came up with for my pack!
Lions and tigers and kelsey, oh my!
Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy sky.
And last but not least...
To Canyon and beyond!
The 2-year old biped likes Canyon's quote the best!
Posted by Kapp pack at 2:49 PM 3 woo woos
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Special Hikers
Posted by Kapp pack at 1:10 PM 3 woo woos
Friday, July 13, 2007
Doggy Movies
Hi All! Mom is busy getting ready for something she calls a yard sale at grandma's house. I decided to find out what other doggies think is the best doggy movie. I had a really difficult time picking from the many movies out there. The poll is on the right side column. Please vote!! I will announce the results next week. Stay tuned! Maybe you can help me think of a topic for next week's poll. Have a great weekend everydoggy!
-Kelsey Ann
Posted by Kapp pack at 9:06 PM 3 woo woos
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Two Rockin' Guys

Here's my little buddy!
Posted by Kapp pack at 9:56 PM 5 woo woos
Monday, July 9, 2007
Rockin' Girl
Posted by Kapp pack at 10:18 PM 7 woo woos
Sunday, July 8, 2007
The PAWTY got crashed
Well, I thought I was going to have the house to myself for my big PAWTY... No such luck.

Posted by Kapp pack at 5:41 PM 2 woo woos
Saturday, July 7, 2007
So, my humans are going camping for the night and they decided to leave me home to sleep in peace. Little do they know the big PAWTY plans I have in store. They are only staying 20 minutes away and will be home to check on me but they decided the Queen needed her beauty rest. They are taking the 2 amigos with them...and the toddling biped.YAY, I get a break from the annoying puppy. Mom and Dad promised to bring me hot dogs when they stop home to feed me and let me take care of business outside.
So everypuppy out there, PAWTY at the Queen's tonight. Bring your hats and head on over!Echo, can you bring the cake? Or maybe Zim can bring one (that carrot cake looked really good)? Indy can you bring the cheese? Anypuppy volunteer to bring the peanut butter? Don't worry Turbo, no stoopid humans allowed!
Make sure you raid you humans wallet before coming and remember this isn't no nickel, dime, quarter kind of game!
Posted by Kapp pack at 11:16 PM 4 woo woos
Friday, July 6, 2007
Banana Mutts!
Sky here, I borrowed the computer from mom tonight to tell you about MY new toy. Canyon thinks it's his but it really is mine. I love any toys that are yellow or orange.
As you can see I couldn't allow this blatant display of insubordination!
Are you in awe of my technique?
In NASCAR they would refer to this as a "bump and run"
Well, Mom thought we would like a special treat since we were having so much fun playing with the new banana toy. She made us banana cupcakes!Don't they look yummy?
Posted by Kapp pack at 9:27 PM 5 woo woos