Hey Pups,
The bipeds had some errands they had planned for this past Saturday: taking the blogathon prizes to the post office, visiting the library to return the Little Biped's borrowed books and find a few more (specifically looking for some to help the Little Biped learn about losing a dog and doggy heaven on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge), a trip to the hardware store, taking the Sibe Vibe for service, and dropping off food donations at the local Humane Society. They left the house around 10Am and were back around noon. Light bulbs and new books were unloaded from the car. Lunch was had and then... Leashes and choker collars were gotten out and Canyon and I were put in the back of Dad's car. RIDE!!!!!
We got to the Humane Society and Mom and the Little Biped went inside while Canyon and I waited outside with Dad. The food bags were already gone so I was a little nervous (remember, I had been there before joining the Kapp Pack) Before too long, Mom, the Little Biped, and a small husky girl came out. She was red and white with amber eyes and a full mask. We went for a walk at the grounds of the Humane Society, sniffed butts, and did some husky play. We all seemed to get along wonderfully! Mom and the Little Biped took her back in and we went home. Mom and Dad started talking about names for her before we got out of the parking lot. Later that day, they settled on two choices... Sunshine or Meadow. After debate, they finally decided Meadow would be her name. The Little Biped piped up and said it should be Sunshine. So, a compromise was made (or as the Little Biped says "I have an ideal") and Sunshine Meadow was chosen.
We're very happy we have a new fursister, Sunshine Meadow, who came to live with us on Sunday.
Kisses, Sky...
Kapp Pack Dad here - we certainly didn't plan on getting another dog when we made this trip on Saturday. Whenever we go to the Humane Society, we always look to see if there are any huskies there. If there are, we let Mapaw know so a courtesy post can be done and if necessary, bring the pup into foster care. So, out of habit, we walked through the kennels. In the very last kennel (right across the hall from the kennel Sky was in when we adopted him), we found Meadow. She was listed as "stray at large, received 7/30/08." My wife saw her first and while I was looking at a senior, male, GSD mix (probably mixed with Malamute based on his size - note that his head is as high as a man's hip in the picture - and features) named JD.

We asked the kennel staff about her, and found out she had come in as a stray several weeks ago on the 18th. State law requires the shelter to keep strays for five days before making them available for adoption, so she had been available the 23rd. She was adopted out and came back in on the 30th as stray again. The owners were contacted and they said they would be in to pick her up, but Saturday had been her fourth day there (I don't care much for stupid dog owners like that). We took her for a walk outside to see how she was outside the kennel. My wife kneeled down to say hello to her and she came over and put her paws on my wife's shoulders. This was the same thing Kelsey had done the first time we met her.
Too many coincidences were popping up here and we figured this to be a message from North of the Bridge. We decided we needed to bring the boys to meet her. We quickly realized everyone was going to get along great and decided to be waiting at the door of the shelter when they opened on Sunday at noon. Adoption papers were signed, fees were paid and Meadow came home to live with us. So, we've got ourselves a 35-lb female husky with an unknown age (we're guessing older juvenile to young adult based on activity level and teeth examination). She likes to sit on the top of the couch and the arm of the chair; she seems to be very intelligent and knows some commands; and she loves to give hugs and kisses.
Thank you, Kelsey Ann, you knew just what we needed to help us heal. I'm sure you are smiling down on us from heaven!
Sorry there are no more pictures.....blogger is being stupid!
30 woo woos:
Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Looks like Sunshine Meadow has found her furrrrever home!! She's one lucky gal! And cute too!
Woooo woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
The more that we hear, the happier we are for you (if that is even possible).
Again, congrats on finding Meadow.
Princess Eva and Brice
w00f's kapps, welcome to the family Sunshine Meadow...dogs iz pretty smart, they no watt we need before we do...i am shure kelsey ann sent u to meet meadow, just like lacylulu did us when we met rocky...cant wait to c more picturs, and yesss blogger is being nasty today...
b safe,
We are so happy Meadow found such a happy home with you!
Steve and Kat
Welcome, Sunshine Meadow! You have just joined a HUGE pack that covers all of the US and some other countries! I'm Thor, and, with my three sisters, I own a small biped the same age as yours, and her pawrents. They CAN be trained, you just have to keep working on them.
Welcome, Sunshine Meadow! You have just joined a HUGE pack that covers all of the US and some other countries! I'm Thor, and, with my three sisters, I own a small biped the same age as yours, and her pawrents. They CAN be trained, you just have to keep working on them.
What a terrific story! Congrats to all of you for finding each other. It is so wonderful to hear some truly great news.
Welcome home, Meadow! And thank you Kelsey Ann for continuing to watch over your family from the bridge. Isn't it funny how sometimes us furkids know what our bipeds need even when they don't?
Kisses to both you girls, and hugs to the rest of your pack.
We are so happy that you found Meadow. I'm sure her hugs and kisses will go a long way to help you heal. I'm sure it is Kelsey Ann's way of letting you know how much she loved you.
Welcome Sunshine Meadow--you are a gift from the Bridge! My mom is crying, she's so happy for you finding a perfect, loving home.
I got the chewies today and will post about it! Thank you so much! Pictures when Blogger lets us upload again.
love & wags,
So many blogs to catch up on. Hope everyone is fit and well.
Simba x
Thannk YOU KA fur helping to 'heel' a whole lotta hearts!
Meadow is beautiful!!
Yes, my mom and I believe in fate and timing - SO we totally understand!!!
Hugz&Khysses TO ALL,
PeeEssWoo: I khan't wait to meet her!
Congrats on the new addition! Meadow is beautiful!!! We also love the look of the blog... new colors and wonderful new header photo!
P.S. Mom is SO amazed that your mom gets everyone in one photo!
Welcome Meadow, you have big paws to fill and HULA requirements to meet, so get busy.
Wonderful news. That is such good news that you are able to offer a stray dog a place in your loving home.
Looking forward to reading more about her adventures with the rest of the pack.
Welcome home, Meadow! Keep those boys in line! :)
Tail wags,
Congratulations on your new family member. Its so cool that Kelsey Ann sent Meadow to you.
D'Azul, Where Siberians Rule
Woo there Meadow~
Welcome!! Be ready to get spoilt rotten. Woo are a furri lucki girl.
Your pal,
Congratulations on the new pack member!
Sunshine Meadow must be so happy to be in a great family!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Your story brought tears to my eyes. Sunshine Meadow is so lucky to have met such wonderful people--and it sounds like maybe you're feeling pretty lucky, too. Congrats on the new addition, and for the great testament to Kelsey Ann.
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR BEAUTIFUL MEADOW!! Way too many coincidences for this not to be right. I love the name too. Kelsey Ann will be watching over all and I'm sure she approves of this beautiful new girl. We look forward to all the antics to come!
Hugs, Kodak
Welcome to the pack Meadow!
WOOO WOOO Welcome Sunshine Meadow
We are so happy and excited to meet you ! You have a wonderful forever home where you won't believe the LOVE you will receive forever and ever!
Thor and Marco Polo
Welcome aboard Meadow. We are so happy for you to have found a forever home with such a great family.. We are sure you will be truly loved..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Mum has the leaky eyes all over again, and we already knew about this surprise. I'm purring loudly for you all.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Welcome Sunshine Meadow. You are in a wonderful home now.
A gift that keeps on giving.....
Sweet KA, thanks for sending Sunshine Meadow to your family.
What a sweet sweet life.
Frankie Girl, Maddie & Domino
Congratulations on your new addition. Sunshine Meadow sounds like she found a good home. I know from recent experience how those coincidences work when you lose one dog to the bridge and find another. It happened to me in April.
Levi's mom
We're furry happy that Kelsey Ann got right down to business picking out Sunshine Meadow for the Kapp pack! She's a cute little thing, and it's heartwarming to see how well she fit right in! She's bound to fill that empty spot in everyone's hearts with lots of siberian love! Congratulations!
Wooos & arooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Khongratulations on woor new sister! She is bewootiful and looks likes she belongs with your packh!
Woos, wags and wuv,
Thunder & Stormy
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