Hey Puppers,
I've been injured. Canyon and I were waiting patiently under the table for the little biped to drop some cheese curls this afternoon. He growled at me because he thought I was too close and I decided I should let him know I wasn't too close. We went at it for about 5 seconds before Mom hit us with a kitchen chair (she says she just stuck it between us to break it up, but I say she hit me). Dad grabbed my collar and pulled me into my crate. Canyon was made to lay down and stay for a while. I guess we were in time out.
After they let me out, I went and sat by Mom and held up my leg to show her. At first she thought I was trying to shake and say "sorry for fighting with my brother." I had to keep showing her my leg before she realized there was blood dripping down it. Way to be observant, stupid human. She took me to the bathroom and got the first aid kit. I got all taped up. I can't see the cut because it's on the back of my leg, but Mom and Dad say it's pretty bad. They are talking about maybe taking me to the V-E-T tomorrow to get stiches.
Butt Wiggles, Meadow
Introducing Sally
11 hours ago
16 woo woos:
Flash and I fight like that but we haven't ever drawn blood. I hope you get better soon.
Oh, no, Meadow, we all hope woo will be OK. Gotta be careful with those cheese curls.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hmmmmm -
What does KSB have to say about this?
Hope woo don't have to get stitches at the V-E-T!
Paws khrossed for WOO and for your Bi-peds too!!
WOO WOO Meadow
What Terrible News!!! We sure hope your leg is much much better and you don't have to go to the doctor!!!! Did the chair bite you?
Hugs and Kisses
Thor and Marco Polo
Well cheese curls are delicious. Why should Canyon get to have them all??? You guys should probably try to get along though. Fighting with my sisters always put my pawrents in a very foul mood.
I'm sure there are plenty of cheese curls to go around!
Yep - cheese curls are worth a rumble I'd say. I sure hope you don't need stitches but if you do, look real pathetic and droopy. The vet will give you more treats. Then limp woefully back to the car. It's gets the Moms everytime.
So smart to show your Mom your boo-boo. I see extra treats and kisses in your future.
Princess Eva
Hmm, sometimes those things happen. Hope woo don't have to get stitches after all. We think woo will each get your own portion of cheese curls from now on....in separate rooms!
Hope woo feel better.
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
I'm so sowwy you got injoowed in the fight..sometimes all ouw playtimes get wough..I'm suwe Canyon didn't mean to huwt you. Get well soon
smoochie kisses
I suppose that is what happens when you fight, don't do it again. I hope you don't need nasty stitches.
Simba x
Oh, NO! I was trying to get caught up reading about the Hike and Howl and I saw this!!! Poor thing! Are you OK? I hope you're getting lots of "oh poor baby"s!
Oh no! Did you get stitches? Canyon should know better than to fight. Girls always win!
Oh, Meadow. I hope you are OK! You must let us know about the stitches. I'm sure that Canyon didn't mean it. It was a cheese curl induced trance or something.
That must have been so scary for you! I have to admit, though, that both of us probably would bite someone for a chance to eat some cheese curls, especially if they're Pirate Booty!
It was the chair your mom hit you with. It had sharp pointed legs. That's our story and you'd be wise to consult an attorney and repeat after us. It was the chair.....
Hope you are okay.
Sorry to hear about your leg. I hope it wasn't too hard to stay calm while it was healing.
Hugs Meadow!
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