Hello Everydoggy!
I'm here with my mission pup-date for Supreme Commander Stormy of the Army of Four. We were practicing our cute poses the other day.....even Hennessy participated in this assignment.
Here's my cute lounging pose......
Canyon's puppy pose....
Hennessy sleeping where we aren't allowed....

Sky's sleepy cute pose......
Here's a closer look.....notice the tongue sticking out.....it doesn't get much cuter!
Well, I hope our efforts meet the approval of the Army of Four.....
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
(just wait until tomorrow when you see the post about the annoying one...I can't wait)
7 woo woos:
Ha ROO! Kelsey Ann, kudos to you and your pack; you've ALL done an incredible job! Extra points to Hennessey for doing the doggie doughnut pose on the couch!
We're all so proud of you guys. Get some rest - I know that had to be such hard work. I love it when a plan comes together!
Tail wags,
Supreme Commander, Ao4
Good sad-eyes from Hennessy! The floppy ears help, of course. Keep up the good work, K.A. and crew!
Mom says we need Steeler's bandanas too! Love the tongue pic - good mission training
Awwwwwe, Roo are all so CUTE! Love the tongue stickin out pose, that one's our favorite, too. Good Job!
Bama & the RHP
Very good form indeed! I see your pack has been studying the Sneaky Diversion Mission Manual.
Sky, you are the super cutest AND you're sporting one sweet bandana!
Great work! I just know your efforts are furthering the mission of the A04!
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