Hello Everydoggy!
This Halloween, MaPaw Siberian Husky Rescue is having a photo contest. They will be accepting entries starting now until October 23, 2007. All entries will be posted to the MaPaw photo contest blog. Entries should be sent to mapawcontest@gmail.com. Voting will start on October 24, 2007 and will continue until October 30, 2007. The winner will be announced on Halloween and there is a VERY exciting prize for the winner! That is being kept a hush, hush secret. I do know though, that the winner will get their picture in the annual MaPaw calendar.
I am a past winner of one of MaPaw's costume photo contests with this awful picture!

So come on, join me in the TORTURE!!!!!!!! Happy Almost Halloween!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
(I wish the weather would be more like Halloween)
5 woo woos:
A-roooo, Kelsey Ann, I don't think we could possibly top your elf costume, but we'll check out the contest. Hu-mom does have this awful embarrasing picture of me in a witch outfit that she loves to pull out every year to humiliate me. i"m glad she just lets me be a "wolf" now!
Woos, & a-Roos,
Star & Jack
Oh no Kelsey Anne, that is a perfectly horrible costume for your mom to dress you in. At least you got to be in the calendar, though we're not sure if that's good or bad. The whole world seeing you look like that?
We would never permit our humans to make us look so silly!
Bama & the RHP
Wow, that is awful torture! At least you won though.
How could they do that to you?! Dod you shread it? You had to?
No costumes for us.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I'm still trying to see if I can get an extension on my puppy license. If I do, I'll let you know how.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Awe, that be a cute picture.
xoxoFour Pugz
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