Hey Pups,
I think these birdies may taste like chicken too...
Here's one for the little bipeds too! These kids rock!
Royal Kisses, King Skyboy
Friday, January 30, 2009
Cardinal Fried!
Posted by Kapp pack at 9:48 PM 5 woo woos
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sleep Study
Hi Puppers!
I've been trying out new sleeping spots and positions lately. Here's what I've come up with so far...
Posted by Kapp pack at 8:01 PM 22 woo woos
Labels: dad, little biped, meadow, sleep mom biped
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Hi Puppers!
I'm a bit late sharing our fun in the snow. Mom had the week off of work and spent the week playing with us and the little biped. So she didn't have much time to help me write a blog post.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Get your Bipeds in Shape!
Hey Pups!

This from the Idita-Walk 2009 Website: "Welcome to the Idita-walk 2009 homepage! An event to promote physical fitness in the spirit of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race. The Iditarod Sled dog race is 1049 miles long from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska. To complete the Idita-walk, walk 30 minutes a day for 35 days between February 1, 2009 to March 31, 2009 for a total of 1049 minutes."
I've gotten my mom to sign-up as a member of Team Sibermal. We usually never get to go for walks so hopefully this will change our humans sedentary behavior. Both the human bipeds could stand to lose a few pounds. I think that they think they're going into hibernation and need to build up thier body fat.
I'll whip them into shape!
As King I proclaim you all to go and register your humans to get fit! It only costs $10 and proceeds benefit Camp Bronson maintenance, scholarships, and numerous youth related programs.
Royal Kisses, King Skyboy
Posted by Kapp pack at 10:40 PM 15 woo woos
Monday, January 19, 2009
Royal Abuse
This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not what I signed up for....
Posted by Kapp pack at 8:00 PM 15 woo woos
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Death on the Road to the Super Bowl
Posted by Kapp pack at 7:41 PM 11 woo woos
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Mourning a Loss...
Posted by Kapp pack at 8:00 PM 12 woo woos
Labels: meadow
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Princess Summit Meeting
Posted by Kapp pack at 9:20 PM 14 woo woos
Labels: king, little biped, meadow, sky
Monday, January 12, 2009
One More Step to the Big Game!
Two words for today...
Puppy slurps, Canyon
Posted by Kapp pack at 8:00 PM 11 woo woos
Labels: steelers
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Snowy Sunday
Me: Is there more snow coming?
I wonder if the neighbors got more snow than us...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Snowy Saturday!
Puppy slurps, Canyon
Posted by Kapp pack at 3:11 PM 15 woo woos
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
New Year's Studmuffin
Hey Pups,
It's that time of month again... Hussy Wednesday. Princess Meadow wouldn't cooperate, so Duke Canyon was kind enough to provide Mom with a Studmuffin shot.
In honor of Hussy Wednesday, I, King Skyboy have decided another Knight must be named. Steve will forever be known as Sir Steve of the Washington Woos. His contribution to canine society is his way of having his humans bow to his every whim. Recently he submitted a picture to me that showed how his dad stayed on the couch just so Sir Steve could continue using him as a pillow. Great work!
Since Khyra is his girlfriend, she is now known as Lady Khyra the Wise of Pawsylvania. Khyra also has the distinct honor of being the greatest hussy I know.
Welcome to my Royal Court, Sir Steve and Lady Khyra.
Royal Kisses, King Skyboy
Posted by Kapp pack at 9:11 PM 9 woo woos
Monday, January 5, 2009
King Skyboy's Royal Court
Hey Pups,
As I mentioned the other day, Dad has discovered that we are descended from several royal families including the all of the Welsh Kings of Powys (reigned: c 400 to 1160); High King of Ireland, Brian Boru (reigned: 1002 - 1014); King Pepin I of Italy (reigned: 781-810); Charlemagne of France (reigned 768-814); Holy Roman Emperor Constantine (reigned: 306-337); Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (reigned: 161 to 180); Roman Emperor Trajan (reigned 98-117); as well as several other Irish, German, French, Welsh, English, Italian and Roman heads of state, nobels, bishops, and saints.
Therefore, I have proclaimed myself: King Skyboy, His Majesty of Siberians. Additionally, I announce King Skyboy's Royal Court.
I recognize Queen Meeshka, Her Majesty of Merryland and invite Queen Meeshka to share the throne in the Kingdom of Siberians as Queen Meeshka, Her Majesty of Siberians.
I recognize my sister, Princess Meadow, Her Majesty of Siberians.
I bestow upon my brother, Canyon, a Dukedom; forever more he will be known as Duke Canyon of Pennsylvania.
I bestow upon my brother, Biloxi, a Dukedom; forever more he will be known as Duke Biloxi of Mississippi.
I bestow the title of Knight Grand Husky (most senior of Knight ranks) to Echo; forever to be known as Sir Echo, Esquire, Foremost Legal Advisor to the King. Sir Echo receives this title for several reasons: his full name is Merlin's Echo, and Merlin was an advisor to a Welsh King, King Arthur; and, he has for some time now acted as legal counsel to dogs pro bono.
I bestow Knighthood to Jack of New England; forever to be known as Sir Jack of Coastal New England. Sir Jack receives this title for having made the suggestion of King Skyboy's Royal Court.
Over the course of my reign, I expect to bestow titles upon others for contributions to canine society deemed worthy of honor as determined by me (with advice, when requested, from those who are titled).
Those who have been earned title, may email me at kapppack@gmail.com in order to receive this picture for their blog so others will know they belong to my Royal Court.
Royal Kisses, King Skyboy
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!
Hey Pups,
Happy Birthday to Me! I'm really not sure when my birthday is, but today is the day that Mom and Dad decided to celebrate it. They got me right before they moved into our house in February 2004 and figured I was just over a year old at the time. So, they figure my birthday was some where around January 1, 2003. That means I am six years old today.
To celebrate, Mom and Dad bought crab legs and shrimp last night. The little biped ate shrimp cocktail and Mom and Dad had the crab legs dipped in butter. They even shared some of the crab legs with Meadow, Canyon, and I. Then, everyone stayed up really late (except the little biped and Dad who fell asleep on the couch around 11:45) and we watched the big ball drop in Times Square to celebrate the start of my birthday.
This morning, the bipeds were picked up by Gama and Pawpaw, who drove them to meet Great-Gama and Great-Pop at a local fire company for the traditional pork and sauerkraut meal that's always eaten on my birthday in hopes of good luck for me over the next year.
Later, when they came home, the little biped watched Snow White, while Dad used the computer to continue his genealogy research. Dad discovered that I really do have the right to be called King Sky Boy. He found a connection to Welsh royalty on his Mom's side. He has found his earliest ancestor to be King Coel Hen (King Coel the Old, or Old King Cole of the nursery rhyme) who was born in 350 AD. Later on this line led to the title Prince of Wales (although current English monarchy is not related to these original English monarchs). It's quite possible that he will be able to continue tracing this lineage back even further.
Happy New Year everyone!
Kisses, Skyboy
Posted by Kapp pack at 7:58 PM 18 woo woos