Mom came home early from work today....We were all in our usual positions. This is our daily workday routine. Finally, the little biped leaves for the day and we get to relax.
Here I am on my bed....this is where I spend my day
Sky just hangs out in the living room all day

Canyon has to spend the day in his crate....he can't be trusted...
Now that you see how we spend our do you spend your days? Are they more exciting than ours?
Guess what???? We had ANOTHER visitor today.....

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
11 woo woos:
Misty caught one of those moles this weekend and almost ate it - yuck. She was a good girl and dropped it when daddy asked her too. they don't look very delicious. Bunnies, however.....
Ooooh....that looks like an interesting critter. My Mom and my girl are usually home most of the day during the summer so we just hang out. If they go out to do something "important" (like shopping or going to a stinky, smelly barn) we nap in our crates. Shyla's still terrified of hers so she stays in the kitchen. Mom thinks somebuddy locked her in and starved her for awhile. Stupid people. I would bite them if I met them. Anywoo....that's what we do!
That's pretty much how I spend my day. Napping in the cool a/c!!
Nice Shrew! Did you get to eat it?
I spend the day laying on the AC vent, or in the window watching what's going on outside.
You'all look comfy. Even Canyon. I undestand his plight, I go in my crate too!
Mom's kitchen table is 10 years old and she will not part with it. She got it when her "Cubby" was a pup and he chewed on the legs and the chairs. Two of the chairs look like they were attacked by beavers.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Ohhh I hope you didn't eat the shrew those are posionious!!! I got one once when we were talking our walkies in the park. But mommy wouldnt let me eat it.. She read that they are posionious and can make us VERY sick. Cut lil buggers tho aren't they??
Quincy and Tristin
Don't worry we didn't eat it. It kept hiding in the storm door and then Mom found it dead this morning before we did. The stupi things fall to the bottom of our steps and can't get out.
-Kelsey Ann
BTW- Canyon is still trying to find it....hehehehehe
Now moles are my specialty. I caught one last weekend. I lie. I killed it. Really.
OMDoG! I've become the Sherman that cried Woof!!
(He really did kill a mole. He kills them all the time. It's totally gross.)
We also stay in our crate except for that one day when we escaped. Ulee has to be crated too. She's a big chewer, so if she escaped, the house might be a disaster area. She has already tried to chew on the wall and she's only been staying with us for 4 days!
Steve and Kat
During the weekday I stay in my crate too. Some days I am lucky though and my Dad doesn't go to work until 2 or 3PM so I am only in there for a few hours before my Mom comes home. I agree with you....weekends can be WAY MORE fun!
Wooo a mole! How cool. Lately I have been spending my days on the sofa. Yesterday was 103 and today is supposed to be 104 or 105 ;(
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