Hey Puppers!
Thanks for all the sympathy for the torture device I had to endure. I got spayed last week and mom and dad were concerned I was getting an infection and made me wear that stupid thing so I wouldn't lick off the ointment they put on my incision.
I thought I'd share a couple of the last pics we have of Biloxi and I together
And, yes, we voluntarily went in there.....that's my crate now!
Here's a picture I found on the camera....it appears to be a going away picture with Mom, Dad and Biloxi. I found some pics of Biloxi and his new fursiblings, but I'll save that for another post.
TTFN, Meadow
Pee Ess: Don't forget to sponsor us for the Hike N' Howl!
12 woo woos:
You look very, cosy, in there.
Simba x
I thought it was some kind of new Siberian strain: double trouble!
Glad to see woo are doing better after that 'spay' thing!!
I'm sure woo all miss Biloxi, but now woo get to be the center of attention - as any princess should be!!!
Khan't wait to see more pikhs!!!!
Glad to see woo aren't a conehead or a lampshade anymore. But woo know, woo surely did not want to get an infection.
We go in our crates willingly too, but we want the doors left open:))
Woos and wags, the OP Pack
Wowzers, you've gotta miss Biloxi like CRAZY! It sure sounds like he's in a loving home, though. That's got to help a LITTLE!
Play bows,
Can you get Sky or Canyon to go in the crate with you now?
How did both of you fit in that crate?
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Hiya Meadow,
Cosi doesn't appreciate sumtimes that I like to be wif him when he goes in his crate to rest. Did I mention that I hafta practically lay on him to get in there wif him. It's cosy!
PEE ESS - I just hated when I had to wear that awful lampshade. It was torture!!
Do wu miss Biloxi?
Glad to see WOO don't have to wear that lampshade no more. Those were some nice cozy pics of WOO and Biloxi.
WOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
What a precious pic of the two of them.
Your family did such a wonderful thing for Biloxi. We're so happy he has a forever home now.
We're sorry you miss him Meadow, but hopefully your other siblings are helping you feel not so lonely.
Woo Woo Meadow,
How did wese fits in dare anyway? I now have a nice big comfy one with blankets and toys.
Don't miss me too much. I do miss you a wittle. But my sibs have taken me under their paws.
WOO WOO Meadow
We are glad you got rid of that horrible torture device and your spay is over!
Thor and Marco Polo
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