Hey Everydoggy!
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and that your bipeds snagged some good deals this weekend Christmas shopping. My crazy mom was out of the house at 3:40AM Friday morning to go shopping. (Mom here: This is the first year I have ever ventured out for the early morning specials...not sure if it will happen again) Then 10 minutes after mom left the little biped woke Dad and all of us up. She wanted to know "where mommy go?" Dad told her mommy went shopping and the little biped's reply? "it dark, I go back to sleep". So smart and she's not even 3 yet! She knew we were supposed to be in bed sleeping, not shopping!
Anywoo, my real reason for posting was to tell you about my annual trimming of the Christmas tree. It's tradition for mom and dad to put the artificial tree up on Thanksgiving Eve.
This is the almost finished product.
This is me inspecting the tree
Well, all, enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Pee ess: Notice how in that last pic Canyon was just laying around while I was doing all the work??? A queen's work is never done!
7 woo woos:
Your pack is just so organised for Christmas. And I think Husky tinsel is a great idea - I must leave some PippaFur tinsel around.
Pippa x
Maybe Canyon was waiting for you to finish so he could water the tree?
Thanks so much for the prayers and good wishes. The boys are all doing well & I still have my Mona with me. I am doing much better and have returned to work.
The Mommy
You guys are so nice! I would be tearing the tree apart instead of helping. I need some manners..
Ahhh, Kelsey Ann, you did good work on yur tree. It is so pretty!
The Husky tinsel was the right touch for the tree. My mommy said that yur mommy was brave to go early shopping on "Black Friday" wif all of the other shoppers trying to get the best prices early for their Xmas gifts. Did she get what she set out for? How were the lines in the stores?
You know, husky fur could look like snow. So you could sell your fur to make snow covered Christmas trees. If you need more fur, we will be glad to be suppliers in your new business.
Steve and Kat
what a big pretty tree!! I love the husky tinsel- HA-WOOO!
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