Hello Everydoggy!
We were given two awards today. The first award we received was the Be The Blog Award. My boyfriend, Pippa, gave us this award. Thanks! We are very honored.
"This award is presented to a successful blogger, one who can “be the blog” - making it their own, staying with it, interacting with the readers, and just plain having fun."
Our second award of the day was given to us by the Army of Four. It is the Community Blogger Award.

Our second award of the day was given to us by the Army of Four. It is the Community Blogger Award.

"The Community Blog Award celebrates people who reach out and make the blogger community a better one. It also underlines the importance of a blog's readership community, one of the most rewarding parts about blogging. It's the people that come back to comment, adding to the conversation, making you feel like someone is listening and interested."
Canyon and I would like to demonstrate our sense of community with one another....Mom caught this RARE moment a few days ago!
We would like to bestow the honors of the Be the Blog Award to Cosmos and Juneau of the Mullin's Clan.
The Community Blogger Award we will give to our blogging friend in Colorado, Tucker. He is almost always the first one to leave comments on our blog and has offered us some very useful advice.
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
(Canyon will tell you all about his new toy tomorrow and Dad's christmas light extravaganza will be unveiled on Thanksgiving Day)
5 woo woos:
Aaaaaaaw! You two love each other. That;s so cute, but you wouldn't catch me sharing my bed. Well, maybe with Canyon. But he'd have to keep his paws to himself.
What a great picture!! That's just like Shermie & I. He loves me, really he does. And you love Canyon, Kelsey.
Cosmos & Juneau are 2 fine Pups...and they're from the 'Burgh! Rock On!
Wow, thanks youse guys! I don't know what to say! But I better come up with something or you'll come take my award away, huh! ::big Husky grin::
I'll think of something. Even if I have to ask the Human Assistant for help.
K.A., you look a little ... I don't know ... on edge in that picture. Hope you all are having fun together!
Hope you are pleased Kelsey Ann, 'cos you have a fine and busy blog.
Off to check out the other two that you have passed the awards on to as we don't visit them.
Pippa xx
We love your blog, your award is well deserved!
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