It sure was a be-woo-tiful day. The humans went outside to do some yard work. Dad was trimming the trees and Mom was raking leaves. Meanwhile, the little biped was busy jumping in the leaves. Of course, we were stuck inside. So, I commanded Sky to stand at his espionage post by the window (one of his favorite things to do anyway) and take secret operative surveillance photos so we could check on them. Meanwhile, I did my favorite thing...
Here's is part of Sky's first report:
Woo-woo, Kelsey Ann
13 woo woos:
Wow! those LEAVES! Why wouldn't they let you help? I bet you could have chased all those leaves over here and there just so easily! Silly hu-mans!
The little bi-ped sure is cute though! And M.P. says the puppy is cute too. But she wants to know who the Annoying One was. Gone I hope!
Better for them to play with puppies next door than in your house, huh?
oooooh keep us posted on what happens next Kelsy Ann!
love and curious licks, Marvin xxxxx
Hmmmph! Just what ARE they thinking letting the little bi-ped schmooze with a puppy while you can't supervise?? I know just how you feel. We spent almost all weekend in solitary confinement because of Floor Guy and our bi-ped came home smelling like one of those big smelly things with hooves. THE NERVE!
You would have been a great help wif those piles of leaves, I betcha! We didn't do much except wrestle wif each other over the weekend. Mommy & daddy went to the barn & then they were cooking up a storm wif things that mommy could eat.
Hey Kelsey Ann, have your human woman e-mail my human woman, she has a question for you:
Wooo! You changed your top photo!!! I like it!
Whoa, your little biped was cheating on you? I bet that was like she just ripped your hearts out. You should make her feel really guilty. Maybe she will share her dinner with you.
Jumping in leaves = good times
Foreign Puppy playing with your people = stoopid!
GASP! Betrayal by the baby biped!?!?! I can't believe it! Although ... you can't blame her. It's all your mom's fault for letting her go over there. Your mom owes you - BIG TIME!
Great surveillance work by Sky. And Kelsey Ann - I love your supervisory pose -- I use that one a lot, too. Usually I'm by the stove, though, not the door.
Those leaves DO look like they'd be fun to jump in!
Tail wags,
We don't get to play in the leaves either. Dad always sucks them up in the grass cutting maching.
How dare your mini bi-ped play with a puppy!!!
ur humans being disloyal ?
You didn't get to play in leaves, AND the humans played with a puppy? You better do something about this!
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