Thursday, July 31, 2008

Goodbye, Pretty Girl

Thank you all so much for your outpouring of love. We are totally overwhelmed by how many lives, human and furfriend, our dear sweet Kelsey Ann touched. She was a very special friend to us. We put this slideshow together to chronicle Kelsey's life with us through the years.

Sad woos still, Kapp pack mom, dad, little biped, Sky boy, Canyon, and little Biloxi

40 woo woos:

Khady Lynn said...

Leaking profusely. Can't see the slideshow cuz the tears are too thick.

She was SUCH a WONDERFUL girl! You are blessed to have her in your life, just as she was blessed to have you as her family!

God bless you all, and (((((((hugs))))))).


The Brat Pack said...

Oh, I can't stop crying after that. Thank you for sharing it. You were all so lucky to have each other.

Maryann (and the Brats)

River said...

Beautiful tribute to her. She had such a nice smile. Of course, now we're all crying but we love seeing all those pictures. Sending hugs.

River & mom

Moondance Huskies said...

Oh, what a beautiful tribute to Kelsey Ann. Our eyes are leaking profusely. So very sorry to hear of your loss. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. A sad howl will be raised in tribute to Kelsey Ann. May she wear her silver harness proudly as she waits to greet you at the Bridge.
Love, hugs and sad woos,
Skye, the Moondance Huskies, kitties and mom Joan

Suka said...

I am so incredibly saddened by your loss. Kelsey Ann was a beautiful dog and your tribute to her brought tears to my eyes. My deepest sympathy to you and your family and the Kapp Pack. Kelsey Ann's light will always shine through all of you.

In saddness,

Suka and K

Carolyn said...

Crying or is that Khrying is therapeutic, right? Right????

Not only is this a wonderful thing for you guys, but just think--when the little bi-ped is older, and she asks about Kelsey Ann...she can pour through this amazing blog, and see herself and her guardian pupangel. What wonderful pics! I laughed so much at the...was it an elf costume? And the frosting container!

She did not stay near long enough, but what a great life she had!!! She was one lucky girl.

Okay, back to the khrying is therapeutic thing. It really is, right? Good, cuz I've done a lot over this girl. She's always just had such a sweetness.


Simcha said...

Thank you for sharing her life with us. It was a lovely tribute that brought my Mom to tears.

a very sad

Bama said...

I had just dried up from seeing Meeshka's post, now the tears are just flowing down. Words can never express the emotions, but one phrase always comes to my mind at times like this....
If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever. You will live forever in our hearts.

Simba and Jazzi said...

I can't imagine how empty you must be feeling. I'm glad you have so many happy memories.

Simba x

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think all the tears Mom leaked since Wednesday pooled their resources and joined together to start her Friday morning on a wet note -

That was sooooo absolutely BEEWOOTIFUL!

I truly think she'll never be able to watch it without leaking -

Before my paws drown....Hugz&Khysses,

Tucker said...

Oh, K.A.! How awful to hear that she's gone!

A picture here reminded the Human Assistant that Kelsey Ann inspired him to feed me green beans.

And she left nice notes on my blog!

We'll miss my red-furred, blue-eyed friend so very much!

Shmoo said...

Very beautiful. The human woman is honored to have had the opportunity to meet Kelsey Ann at the Hike N Howl last year and was touched with her beauty and grace. She is missed.


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...
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Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Kelsey Ann and family,
I learned the sad news this morning, I watched your slide show with tears. Kelsey Ann, you did touch my heart even though you have passed the bridge.
Stay, if only you could.
My prayers are with you and your lovely family.
My mom had to let my brother Ringo go last year, her pain was unbearable for months.
Rest in peace, sweet girl, Kelsey Ann

Teddy Westlife said...

I thought mum had run out of the leaky stuff from her eyes... that is a beautiful tribute.

Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

The Army of Four said...

Beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl! Thank you for sharing her with us!
The first picture we ever saw of Kelsey Ann was the one of her in the elf outfit for the MaPaw photo contest! We didn't even "know" you yet, but that picture left a big smile on our faces that we'll never forget!
Love and hugs from all of us,
The Ao4 and our bipeds

Summit the Super Mal said...

Woo there Kapp Pack and A big WOOOOO North of the Bridge to the sweet Kelsey Ann~
What a wonderful life your bipeds have given you. We will all miss you whilst we are "here" and will rejoice with lots of play bows and zoomies when we meet again.
Your pal,

Snowy and Crystal said...

We are so very sorry for the loss of Kelsy Ann :(

Maltese Paws,
Snowy and Crystal

Thunder, Stormy and the yappitizers. said...

oH, i can't stop crying :-( what a wonderful tribute to such a beautiful girl. You loved her and you can see she loved you all back.

Sad woos, wags, & wuv,
The Kholwooado Khrew

Thor said...

Mama is crying again. A beautiful tribute to KA.

Thor, LeeLee, Smoky, and Bandit

Pippa said...

What lovely pictures, there are so many that I don't remember seeing before. Or maybe I just have a poor memory.

I love the ones of her snapping at The Annoying One, and the holiday pix too that must be older ones.

Bye Kelsey.

Sob. Pippa

Unknown said...

hi we are Gaucho and Verdi..
and we are so sorry to hear about your loss...
the photos are a grate memory...
send all your family a big hug and all our love....

Kelsey Ann run free and please...

Kodak the Eskie said...

What a beautiful tribute to Kelsey Ann. It brought tears to my eyes. That song is very touching. My heart aches for your family. She was so beautiful.

Hugs, Kodak & Kathy

Lacy said...

w00f's Bute ti ful tribute to a bute ti ful girl!!!!

b safe,

Peanut said...

That was lovely.

Georgeous said...

Our deepest sympathy to the whole pack. What an amazing tribute!
George & Family

lone poet said...

awwwwww!!!!! those r like the cutest dogs eva(ever)!!!!!! they are sososososososo adorable!!! sry i no i no... who is this girl right? well i'm taylor and i'm super-bored, so i'm commenting every body who put Balto as 1 of their fav movies, yes, i'm that bored, nice blog!!! i'm Taylor by the way

lone poet said...

wait!!! she died?!! i'm so sry, i might just cry, and i never cry. she was so pretty, thats so sad

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a lovely tribute to Kelsey Ann. She was a beautiful girl. And we know you miss her terribly.

Maya and Kena said...

That's a beautiful slideshow of Kelsey Ann and the family. We just met you and yet we miss Kelsey Ann as if we've known her fur a long time...
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Kelsey was so lucky to have such a wonderful family and you're lucky to have so many great memories.

Princess Eva and Brice said...

This is a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. Momma still remembers laughing and calling Dad the first time she saw the elf picture. Thank you for sharing Kelsey Ann with us.

Princess Eva and Brice

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Till we meet again, dear Kelsey Ann, Godspeed. Every pup should be so loved.

Luv, the OP Pack

My Two Best Friends said...

WOO WOO - This so so awesome to share so many wonderful pics of Kelsey Ann with all of us. Mom says tears are ok - Kelsey Ann had such a wonderful life with your family.

Thor and Marco Polo

Rufus Goodpuppy said...
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Jack & Moo said...

Beautiful tribute! So loving, and a great celebration of wonderful times together.
(Full bore LES)

luv from us all,
Star & Jack & Pat & JoJoe

Unknown said...

The human behind Day of Blogs (Khouria Jen) and her helpers (Edda and Freya) send their condolences on the loss of Kelsey Ann. Even though Edda and Freya are kitties, they still understand that Kelsey was a precious soul. May she be happy in the Great Dog Park in the Sky.

Randi Lyn said...

Thank you for sharing all the pics, we absolutely loved them. What a great life KA had and she had such a wonderufl family to share it with. Loved that one pic -was that a puppy Canyon grabbing KA by the tail? LOLOLOL!!!! What a wonderful tribute to a special Sibe! Hugs and woos,
Kayla and Maebe

Izzie said...

I'm so sorry about what happened to Kelsey Ann. She was so beautiful. She deserves that beautiful tribute.

L said...

We are very sorry for your loss. Kelsey Ann was a beutiful girl and had a great life with you. What a great slide tribute.