We are going to create an optical illusion right now. What you see in this video is Biloxi and I playing....
This is what is really happening....did I fool you???
Congratulations to Summit the Super Mal (with help from Princess Eva) who won the second of our two giggl blue fire hydrants! Good teamwork!
5 woo woos:
Congrats Summi. You'll have a lot of fun with this.
You sure fooled me. I was ready to come over and play too!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Wow, what a great optical illusion!!
I'm so glad Summi won! His stoopid computer is not cooperating, so it's good he has such great friends!
I hope Summi watches my instructional video on how to play with his new toy!
Oh you guys play well together though
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