Hey Y'all,
First da bad dog news. We's supposed to be goin to da Greenlane Scottish Irish Festival dis here weekend wid Mapaw. But Hurricane Hannah had udder idears. Dis mornins paper said we done got 3 inches of rain yesterday. We went out to go pee (I ain't been peein in da house to darned much lately) in dat heavy rain. Meadow and I reckoned we were gonna dig us a hole. So when we done come in we done had ourselfs some of da muddiest paws you ever done seen. We got shuffed in da baf tub to get our paws warshed.

Now da good dog news. Since Mapaw decided not to be goin to Greenlane, MyMama, MyDaddy and da li'l biped went for a ride in da SibeVibe. We went to an auto show and flea market. When we got der dis here Miss met us at da gate. She done gived me lots a hugs and I done gived her lots a kisses.

Dat's her Mistah on da right. We's at his stand at da flea market.

Dey was real happy dats I come to meet dem.

I was lissinin real good to hear whats da bipeds be talkin bout when we's were visitin. It sounds like Miss and Mistah gonna be doptin me dis Friday. I's gotta be on my best behavior when we go to dere house. If'n I doahnt behafe or if'n da udder doggies (dey's gots 4 sibes) doahnt likes me den I doahnt get to stay. I be sad dat I doahnt get to live wid da Kapp Pack no more, but I sure do want to have me a fur-evah home.
When we done left dere, we stopped to get us some lunch at a dairy farm. Da bipeds doahnt share wid me, but everyting was homemade (cept da hotdogs). Dey gots saurkaut on da hotdogs, ice cream, chocolate milk, whoopie pie, sho0-fly pie, and some mac'roni salad. Dat's typical food round dese parts. I doahnt know why dem bipeds doahnt be eatin normal food like ribs, fried okra, fried pickles, fried catfish, grits, chittlins and sweet tater pie.
Afder our busy day we all took us some naptime 'fore we done got dinner.
Y'all have a bless-sed day, Biloxi