Ok so Indy tagged me and I have to share 7 things about myself.

Ok so Indy tagged me and I have to share 7 things about myself.
Posted by Kapp pack at 1:13 PM 4 woo woos
So Canyon and Sky have this strange type of relationship. Mom calls Canyon a cleaner fish whenever he is doing it. I learned by searching the "net" that it is actually called a symbiotic relationship. No, Canyon doesn't ride on Sky's back like the remora fish, but he thinks it is his duty in life to make sure Sky's ears are squeaky clean. Mom got pictures of him in the act the other night.The funny part is Sky gets seasonal allergies in the spring and can't stop scratching his face and ears. Amazingly with our new "cleaner fish" Sky's allergies did not flare up nearly as bad. So I guess Canyon isn't all bad sometimes.
Posted by Kapp pack at 7:37 PM 6 woo woos
We hope you enjoy getting to know us better!
1. Your age?
2. Your age when you came to live with your people?
KA: 1 and a half
S: 1ish
C: 17 weeks
3. What color collar are you wearing right now?
KA: purple (the color of royalty)
S: blue
C: blue and brown with paw prints
4. Who is your favorite peson other than the people you live with?
KA: Megan and Morgan and Grandma
S: anyone I can jump up and say Hi to
C: kids
5. How much do you weigh?
KA: 54lbs.
S: 82lbs.
C: 65?lbs.
6. Most expensive thing you ever chewed up?
KA: used tissues (Mom says that's nasty)
S: nothing, I'm a good boy!
C: Dad's Dale Carnegie book, oh, and the Dish Network remote
7. Do you like other dogs?
KA: yes, as long as I can be alpha
S: yes
C: yes....dogs are less frightening than people
8. Who is your best non-human friend?
KA: my bed!
S: Canyon
C: Sky
9. Squeaky toys or tennis balls?
KA: neither
S: squeaky toys
C: squeaky toys
10. Do you like to be brushed?
KA: yes I like the attention
S: being brushed it better than being plucked by Mom
C: I guess so...still getting used to it
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese?
KA: toss up!
C: I'll eat anything!
12. Do your people cut your toenails?
KA: yes
S: yes
C: yes, it takes both of them to wrestle me and restrain me!
13. Any formal education?
KA: yes, graduated basic obedience school
S: no, unless you count the "come or else" collar
C: no, still learning
14. Couch Potato or Energizer Bunny?
KA: couch potato
S: both at times
C: Energizer Bunny
15. Five nicknames people call you?
KA: Kelsey Ann, queenie, yeslek, Kelsey girl
S: Sky, sky boy, Sky come, yks
C: Canyon, anya (2 year old's version of my name), noynac, puppy, good boy, shadow
16. What's your best trick?
KA: hiding in small spaces
S: beg
C: I bounce after toys like a bunny
17. Do you like kitties?
Kapp Pack: mmmmm......lunch!
18. What did you have for breakfast?
KA: Canidae Platinum
S: Purina One Sensitive System and Eagle Pack Anchovy, Sardine and Salmon Dry Food
19. Can you hunt and have you ever killed anything?
KA: yes, baby bunnies :-( (Mom was very mad at me!)
S: yes, broke a opossum's back
C: I'm half lab what do you think?
20. When was the last time you went to the Vet?
KA: Last October
S: March for my allergies
C: Last July, Mom's going to make my appt. soon
21. Where do you sleep at night?
KA: on my bed
S: on my bed or the floor, whichever is cooler
C: on Mom and Dad's bed on Mom's feet
22. Do you like to swim?
KA: Love it!
S: not really!
C: I'm half lab what do you think?
23. Can you make puppies?
KA: No, but MaPaw thought I may have had a litter before they got me
S: No
C: No
24. Your favorite place to visit?
KA: the car
S: the sheep up the road!, see Meet Sky Boy
C: I'm very shy so Mom and Dad are still introducing me to places
25. Do you give kisses?
KA: not usually
S: If I feel like it!
C: All the time, especially my girl!
26. Can you potty on command?
KA: um, no
S: what are you thinking?
C: yeah right!
Posted by Kapp pack at 11:12 PM 5 woo woos
Posted by Kapp pack at 11:24 PM 4 woo woos
Posted by Kapp pack at 11:44 PM 4 woo woos
Posted by Kapp pack at 10:04 PM 8 woo woos
Posted by Kapp pack at 6:11 PM 3 woo woos
Posted by Kapp pack at 10:20 PM 2 woo woos
So our mom finally let us join in this thing the other doggies are calling blogging. So let me introduce my pack. I am Kelsey Ann and I was adopted from MaPaw Siberian Husky Rescue 6 1/2 years ago by my mom and dad. I even picked them out myself. Three years ago they decided to adopt my brother Sky from the Lebanon Humane Society. They made sure he got my approval before bringing him home. Then last year they brought home this puppy they seem to jokingly call a huskador. He instantly became best friends with Mom and Dad's little girl so he got to stay despite my protests. He was supposed to be at our house temporarily before being transported to another foster home. The puppy came with the name Beans, but Mom and Dad changed it to Canyon.
Posted by Kapp pack at 11:17 PM 6 woo woos
Labels: Getting to know our pack