Yesterday started out with a large breakfast for the bipeds. Eggs, sausage, and hashbrowns. Later in the day Mom made a double-layer chocolate cake for her Dad's birthday. There was no dinner cooked at home yesterday because they ate with Nana and Pap. But today, Mom more than made up for not having cooked dinner last night.
This morning at about 7:30, the little biped came into Mom and Dad's bedroom (ours too) and announced: "It's time to get up... it sure is." Lately, sayings like "it sure is," "I sure did," and "you sure can" have been some of her favorites. So Mom and Dad got up to start the day.
Next, Mom made some scrambled eggs, then they ate and got ready to head out for the grocery store. Normally on a Sunday, it would be a trip to church, but Mom and Dad chose not to go today and to get some other things done instead. A couple hours later they returned with more groceries than they've bought in one trip for a long time. Of course there was no dog food in all of this. They haven't bought dog food for us at the grocery store since the pet food recalls; now we get gourmet dog foods like Canidae(or if you are Khyra, Khanidae) and Eagle Pack Holistic.
Before they went to the grocery store, a female duck jumped out of the bushes in front of the house and flew away. We saw it all from the window. How excited were we?!?!? Sky especially likes duck because that's what is in his Eagle Pack. We tried to get Dad to go out and shoot it so that Mom could put it in the freezer until July when the raspberries are ready. Roasted duck breast with raspberry sauce sounds so goooood! Unfortunately, despite several trips out with the camera, Dad couldn't shoot even a picture of her. Good thing since it turns out she's nesting right in front of our window.

This is what she looked like!
When they arrived home, Mom immediately began cooking. Stromboli with mushrooms, chicken cacciatore with peppers and onions, and turkey meatloaf. The plan was to prepare a few large meals at once and freeze them into several portions each. This way there would be more time during the week for family time and dog walking. While she was doing this, Dad cooked lunch for him and the little biped. He decided to get some scrapple at the grocery store. I've included a link to tell you what this is if you're not from Pennsylvania. He didn't know if the little biped would like it, but it turned out that she loved it. Dad serves it on toast with maple syrup. Finally, Mom made some blueberry bread today.
Well, time to go... Dama and Paw-paw are here for dinner. Oh, I'm sure you could tell....we didn't have a doggy transport this weekend.Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
15 woo woos:
Kelsey Ann,
The big dogs are drooling all over me after reading your news. Yummo. We can smell the goodies from here.
Hope you can keep those good things coming.
Heidi, Lady of Leisure
LOTS of good stuff!!
My mom is wondering why your dad would drink something she khalls girl's light BUT I guess sakhrificing it to the khrokhpot beef was a great way to use it!!!
Of khourse, the little bi-ped's new lingo made me khop that Siberian Smile!!!!
Wow! Lots of cooking in your kitchen this weekend, huh? I sure hope you got some of the Stromboli!!! It sounds SO good! Hehehe, I like that the little biped woke everyone up! That is cute!
Woo! I should have come to visit today! Double layer cake and all that food....and the DUCK! I like duck! We get it in our Merrick canned food sometimes and it sure is yummy. Mom always tells us we're having Donald that night. Twisted sense of humor that woman has.
woofies and burfs, heehee wont b to much longer and the little biped will b askin, who what where and the famous why...yummmies u iz makin me hungry wiff all the food talk...
b safe,
rocky, bear and angel lacylulu ;)
Hooray for Colorado beer!
Be sure to duck if the mama bird comes after you!
oh...can someone educate my boss on the art of cooking?
It's a good thing I have had my breakfast or I would be very hungry all over again.
That duck is very cute. I like birds.
Did you get to help with all that cooking? I LOVE to help in the kitchen!
Blueberry bread!?!? Are you going to share that recipe? Pleeeeease?
Play bows,
Wow, you doggies had all kinds of yummy eatables, this weekend! We love Stromboli!
Poppy & Penny
You made us all hungry! But we have no idea what stromboli is, except that it sounds Italian, which makes it good by default!
Sounds delicious! Our mom made crockpot lasagna yesterday. I think that recipe is from your mom. It was very good, but I wouldn't know from dogal experience since no one offered any to me. My mom has that same plan with eating leftovers during the week.
Did you spend all weekend cooking and eating? Can I come and live with you?
Simba x
Wow. That menu is amazing! Will you share the stramboli and cacciatore recipes? I've always wanted to make them but don't know how!
all this talk about food is making us hungry. We're going to demand some bully sticks today!
Abby & Rosie
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