Hey Everydoggy,
I've decided it's time that I get more time on this blog. It seems the two boys have taken things over lately! I demand equal time on this blog and I've come up with a new weekly feature (me)and I have titled it "Single Sunday" (thanks to Steve and Kat for this idea...I just modified it a bit!) In perfect husky style I am even making my humans work hard to help me with this. It requires mom and dad to scan printed photographs onto the computer rather than just uploading from a memory card.
Anywoo, back when I was a single husky, mom, dad and I went just about everywhere together. I am certainly a well-traveled husky or, at least, used to be. On Sundays, you will learn about all my adventures I had before the other two and the litte biped came along.
The first pictures I found were pictures mom and dad took when they came to visit me before I was officially adopted. I've told you before my adoption story and how I picked mom and dad out and they would come and visit me every weekend until I came to live with them. This one time, mom and dad took me for a car ride to see how I would travel in the car. Ma and Pa (MaPaw's founders) gave my new mom and dad directions for a park about 15 minutes away. I rode really well in the car and I even got to see some geese at the park.
This was me wooing at the geese
As you can see mom and dad had gotten me a new bandana and a car seat belt harness. I was one stylin' doggie. 
We all went for a walk in the park and spent some alone time together as a family. Mom and dad were excited that I loved riding in the car and was well-behaved.
Stay tuned for next Sunday! My first overnight trip with mom and dad...
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
17 woo woos:
I salute you! I've never experienced the joys of soloness!
I'm with Prez2B Tubey!
Ah yes, we nefur furget the furst times we saw the biped(s) we selekht as THE ONE fur us!!
Khan't wait to see more of tail tales!!!
GREAT new feature, Kelsey Ann! I love that picture of you wooing to the ducks!
I remember those days - at least I've heard stories. That's when Dad first admired your glorious red and whiteness. Mom said he was a pest ever since. Now we have Shyla and he's begging for new tools instead.
Hi Kelsey,
Love your new feature! You certainly deserve it. Nice pictures of you and your chosen bipeds. Can't wait to see your next installment.
Play bows,
Oh Kelsey! What a wonderful addition to the blog! I look forward to your posts every sunday!!!
Woos to woo Kelsey Ann. We love your new Single Sunday and can't wait to read more about woo!
Woos, wags & wuv,
Thunder & Stormy
Wonderful feature KA! I can't wait to read more from you each week!
Being an only doggie is nice, but I bet having a pak is sooo much nicew..I'm enjoying youw stowies of youw single adventoowes though
smoochie kisses
Good work on getting your own blog time. How's Canyon?
Wooing at the ducks looks like big fun! Great pictures, well worth all the effort it took you to claw the humans into action.
Star & Jack a-roo
Single Sunday is a good idea. Did the geese answer you?
Simba xx
I think this is a fabulous idea...I can never get too much KA.
That was cool telling us about your "single" days. I can't wait to hear about this overnight trip. I've never done that.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Oooh. A whole post every Sunday about you. Will be tuned in every Sunday without fail.
Love Pippa xx
K.A., I understand. I'd really like single days too.
You were very cute woooing at the geese!
You look really cute! I think you could tell that you were getting ready to go to a good family!!
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