Hey Pups,
Time to get back to our events of last Friday. We haven't had any new snow since last Friday but the weatherman says we might get some new, fluffy, white stuff tomorrow night. We sure hope he's right. We're not ready for spring flowers yet.
In part one you all saw how much fun Canyon and I were having and you also saw my "becoming one with the snow". The next thing we did was tear Dad away from the phone and computer, suited up the little biped like the stay-puffed-marshmallow man and headed outside.
Here's some video of an extra-large Siberian husky at work!
Here's our second try of it....
This video show how much of a spaz Canyon was being....

I lost her again!Time to go inside....the little biped's hands were getting cold...she needs some fur on her paws! Oh,and this is Canyon eating snow!
I hope you enjoyed seeing the rest of our snow day. I must tell you I would not go back inside when they wanted me to. I sat and planted my fluffy butt right in the snow and refused to go inside. So, Mom gave in and took me for a short walk around the front yard and to see if any of the neighbors were outside. After the short jaunt I was ready to go back into the house, get some water, and take a nap!
Kisses, Sky boy