Hey Everydoggy,
I think I was jinxed by my visit to the V-E-T last week. On Wednesday I started having accidents in the house and it took dad until Saturday to call mom in Florida to find out what to do.....duh.....FIX ME! Well, mom talked to Dr. Horst on Sunday and he said to bring a pee sample in on Monday morning. Um, that ought to be interesting.....
Flash forward to Monday morning, Dad takes us outside and as I'm just starting to pee he sticks this bowl under my butt.....I gave him a "What the he** are you doing?" look. When mom came home last night she let me out of my crate. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you all, they've been crating me because they don't want me peeing all over their precious floor. They've taken all my beds away too! Mom then told me Dr. Horst said I have a U-TEE-EYE and could take some pills for it.
Last night I made it through sleeping without having any accidents. Medicine must be working already! I even slept in and didn't bother mom to let me out until she was done with her shower and ready to go to work. I'm usually bugging her as soon as the alarm clock goes off!
The really bad part of all of this is what happened Sunday afternoon after dad brought mom and the little biped home from the airport. I peed in the crate and dad said I stank so this was the scene in the front yard.....HOW HUMILIATING!
Now onto happier news....MayaMarie's mom has been talking about starting a doggy biscuit bakery business and we got to be some of the official taste testers. There were three kinds for us to try: Pumpkin Oat, Banana blueberry, and Three Cheese. All of them were very yummy....and we took turns while the little biped fed us....
Hugs and yummy biscuits!!! Who could want more?????
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
14 woo woos:
Kelsey Ann,
We're glad the humans finally fixed the problem. Hopefully you've been sprung and are returning to nicer beds!
We want a little biped to feed us too! Is there a summer camp we can attend to get all that love and attention? Rosemary couldn't help but notice that Canyon got the extras. She says that should be the start of a trend here. Good grief!
Enjoy your yummo treats.
Ha rooo roooo ROOOO!
My mom was SOOOO happy yesterday when your mom pawed her a message about WOO!!
After all, I am SOOOO excited that I'm khoming to meet all of woo - AND The Little Bi-ped!!!
Keep getting better KA -
You all eat those biskhuits so well together! We so enjoyed watching all of you partake in them. It was adorable. And Sky the picky one didn't seem to mind them one bit! ;-)
Frankie & Maddie
sorry to hear about your misfortunately accidents...
but i'm sure u are honoured to be mayamarie official treat taster...
That really is water torture. I hope the accidents have stopped now, you don't want that to happen again.
Simba xx
Seems like Canyon got the best deal and the most cookies.
HI Kelsey Ann,I'm sowwy you had to get a towtoowe baf..I hat ethem too, but it's not nice to sit in pee..I'm glad youw medcin is helping you..that hug fwom youw dawling little biped makes it wowfwhile even to bathe..I hope you and Sky and Canyon all got lots of cookies to taste
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Taste-testing sounds a lot more fun that the b-a-t-h OR a UTI!
Can we borrow your little biped? Tell her that I look a lot like Canyon before she gets here, OK? Ha roo roo roo! She's ADORABLE!
Play bows,
I really think you should take Dad out on the front lawn for his shower this weekend. Woo! At least you got yummy biscuits to test and we're glad you're feeling better.
I'm really glad that your medicine is already working. That's really great. It's too bad that you had to take a bath though. Our parents have been threatening that to us for some time, but so far... whew!
Your little biped is really good at giving cookies. Is that what they do all the time? I should get one because I could use more cookies.
Arrrggghhhh. A UTI and a bath?!? How miserable! When I get a UTI, I drink lots of cranberry juice, but that remedy probably wouldn't help you much, eh?
Hugs from a beautiful little biped must help quite a lot, though. She's just too cute for words.
Oh, K.A., I'm sorry you had to wet your bed! It's just not fair when we can't control ourselves!
Hope you got your Dad good and wet during your bath!
We are so happy that the medicine worked. We wouldn't want you spending to much time in your condo.
Louie tinkles in his condo sometimes too and Mom does the same thing to him. "Watch out Mom is getting the hose out"
Kelsey Ann is such a cute "Little People" We can tell she really loves you...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
UTI, ick. That doesn't sound any fun at all. We hope the medicine fixes you right up (and FAST too).
I hate those kind of baths. My dad gives me baths that way but my Mom gives me a nice warm bath in the tub.
Those treats look very very GOOD. I am licking my chops as I type this. :)
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